Tuesday 26 February 2013

The Kids In America SS13 Wildfox

I think it is fair to say every girl that was born in the 90's biggest dream was to have the computerised closet just like Cher in my all time favourite movie Clueless, it defiantly was mine. Amy Heckerling, the mastermind behind the cultural phenomenon, said it best through her leading lady Cher Horowitz. Obviously I was instantly drawn to the recent Wildfox’s Spring 2013 collection which pays tribute to Heckerling, capturing the spirit of “Clueless” and their iconic leading ladies. Photogrgtaohy by Mark Hunter.

My visit to White Cloth Gallery

I came across a gallery which is new to Leeds, called White Cloth Gallery {PHOTOGRAPHY & FILM} The gallery provides a unique space for established artists to exhibit and elevate projects of particular importance while at the same time providing a platform for emerging artists to showcase their work. Such a cool little place, I always feel inspired when I leave. I absolutely adored the Rokas Darulis exhibition which was on the last time I visited.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Mermaid Hair

I'M OBSESSED!!! I think what kicked off the obsession was being a huge Azealia Banks fan, I follow Miss Banks on instagram where she constantly posts images of her hair styles, I love how she is so experimental with her super long locks.

Take your mind back

OK, I want to take you back to a post I published last August, 'Obsession' I briefly talked about a young fashion designer, Mary BensonMary has been making power moves since then with the likes of Rita Ora wearing one of her recent designs from the Chinese lantern and koi carp inspired collection! There is a really cool interview I highly recommend you read if you wish to find out more about the talented young lady! The reason for this post is in fact to share with you the editorial I shot featuring Mary's designs, I have only just been allowed to release the snaps! Let me know your thoughts?!